This limits the number of ships that you can deploy and the bigger the ship, the bigger the price tag. You have a limited number of deployments per turn and can action decisions using their fleet. Apart from a handful of tutorials, the game doesn’t provide much information, and I often wondered why I won or lost missions. The game has an exceedingly steep learning curve.

You’re not going to save everyone-and losing ships is costly-so warping out to survive can be worthwhile in the long run. This game isn’t just about winning, its about surviving. As the enemy closes in on all sides, the game asks the player to decide the fate of billions of lives. The world is split into different solar systems and it's your job to pick who lives and who dies. The Empire is under threat from raiding Orks, annoying Eldar stirkes, and a Chaos invasion. You play as an officer fighting on behalf of the Imperium of Man. With Battlefleet Gothic: Armada, the team at Focus Home Interactive has done a great job transposing the essence of the Warhammer 40k universe into this real-time strategy game.